About Secretary Clinton’s emails… I saw this email

Man looking at a smartphone. / DodgertonSkillhause - MorgueFile
Man looking at a smartphone. / DodgertonSkillhause - MorgueFile

I didn’t win in Maryland by acclamation. I won because of supporters like you. I won because we fought for progressive change.

About Secretary Clinton’s emails… I saw this email

I didn’t win in Maryland by acclamation. I won because of supporters like you. I won because we fought for progressive change.

I saw this email yesterday—something Secretary Clinton sent Senator Mikulski back in 2010—and was flattered. Check it out:


Here’s the thing: I didn’t win in Maryland by acclamation. I won because of supporters like you. I won because we fought for progressive change—and guess what: we passed marriage equality, passed the DREAM act, and raised the minimum wage. We made progress where it counts, and I’m happy to see Secretary Clinton thought so, too.

Democrats are not going to win THIS election by acclamation either. We need more debates to get our positions on the issues in front of voters. As the Republicans malign our President’s record of achievements, denigrate women and immigrant families, and double down on trickle-down, we respond with crickets, tumbleweeds and a cynical move to delay and limit our own party debates.
