Chelsea Clinton muestra su apoyo a Hillary Clinton en una carta

Chelsea Clinton en 2008. / Kyle Cassidy - CC
Chelsea Clinton en 2008. / Kyle Cassidy - CC

La hija de la candidata demócrata califica a su madre de “heroína” y pide donaciones mínimas de $1 para continuar con su campaña presidencial.

Chelsea Clinton muestra su apoyo a Hillary Clinton en una carta

La hija de la candidata demócrata califica a su madre de “heroína” y pide donaciones mínimas de $1 para continuar con su campaña presidencial.

Chelsea Victoria Clinton, hija de Hillary y Bill Clinton, anima a los estadounidenses a mostrar su apoyo  la candidatura de su madre para convertirse en próxima presidenta de los EE UU.

“Mi mamá es mi héroe. Desde ayudar a reducir la tasa de personas sin seguro médico para los niños mientras era Primera Dama para, más tarde, convertirse en la primera senadora de Nueva York y luego candidata a la presidencia, mientras ella siguió luchando por las familias - al mismo tiempo ser una gran mamá.”

Así comienza su misiva que reproducimos íntegramente:


My mom is my hero. From helping cut the uninsured rate for children in half as First Lady to later becoming the first female senator from New York and then running for president, she's kept fighting for families -- while also being a great mom.

I hope my daughter grows up to be as proud of me as I am of my mom.

That she's remained committed to making life better for women and children while being attacked by the other side for more than two decades is incredible and inspiring. I'm proud to stand with her in everything she does.

Tuesday is the first debate of the Democratic primary, where my mom will continue talking about her plans and ideas to make life better for American families. Here’s one way to let her know you have her back before the big day: Chip in $1 or more to stand with her and become a Debate Donor.

It's going to take a campaign as strong as my mom is to fight back against everything the other side is throwing at her, and to help us become the country we want to be. I can't tell you how much she'll appreciate your support at this critical moment. 
