El Nude Yoga, la nueva tendencia en ejercicio

Mujer practicando yoga al desnudo./ nude_yogagirl
Mujer practicando yoga al desnudo./ nude_yogagirl

El yoga cultiva cuerpo, mente y alma. Se trata de una disciplina que nació en la India.

El Nude Yoga, la nueva tendencia en ejercicio

El yoga se refiere a una tradicional disciplina física, mental y espiritual. Si a eso le sumas el desnudo, obtendrás una nueva forma de hacer ejercicio.


I'm not sure if I've ever told you in which way this account has changed me the most. Before I cared too much about what other people thought of... I was too nice, accomodative and it was too important for me that people would accept me. There's nothing wrong to think about other's feelings, but if you try to always please others, you will make compromises on who you are, what you want and how you think. ❤ During the first days and weeks I was ready to remove this account every other day.... Always when I read a negative comment (even if there were just a few) on some platforms or when one of those rare people I told about this at first was questioning the meaning of it... ❤ I'm sensitive and I don't want to violate anyone with my photos. But then I realised there will always be people who don't think how I think. That doesn't mean I'm wrong (or right). We are different and it's impossible to bow in every direction at the same time. ❤ As long as our purpose is good, it can't be so bad. I don't want to harm anyone but the opposite, I thought. Nowadays I'm very happy. And I'm happy also because of this account. My art and You have really taught me new things in many ways. ❤ I hope you all have the courage to follow your heart and do things what you want to do. Because usually those who first may be against your choices start to understand them at the end. They may apologise afterwards that they didin't support you first. And then you can just smile, because you already have become the person for which it's enough that you stand behind yourself and your choices. That's the most important thing.❤

Una publicación compartida de Nude Yoga Girl (@nude_yogagirl) el


Tal como indica Glamour México, la tendencia del nude yoga celebra la belleza del cuerpo humano. A través de la etiqueta #nudeyoga se publican fotos en una pose de yoga con el cuerpo desnudo, pero teniendo cuidado de no exponer de más.


La cuenta @nude_yogagirl fue creada por una fotógrafa y modelo anónima con la finalidad de darle un trasfondo positivo al yoga. Aquí puedes encontrar diversas posiciones creadas por mujeres alrededor del mundo y mostrando que con este deporte puedes crear una conexión única con tu cuerpo.


Según sus impulsores, la tendencia del nude yoga invita a aceptar tu cuerpo tal y como es, con las imperfecciones que pueda presentar. La tendencia implica fotos de hombres y mujeres desnudos en una posición de yoga. @mundiario
