Cuatro consejos para evitar el estrés durante el verano

Amigas felices. / Cartasdelavida.
Amigas felices. / Cartasdelavida.

Si eres de los que se pasa la vida preocupado o pensando en el trabajo, te traemos estas claves infalibles para que dejes que tu mente y cuerpo descansen durante las vacaciones.

Cuatro consejos para evitar el estrés durante el verano

Con las nuevas tecnologías es casi imposible desaparecer del mundo gracias a que puedes conectarte en cualquier lugar. Es difícil dejar de trabajar y de pensar en todas las cosas que te esperan cuando tengas que volver al trabajo, evitando que tu alma y tu cuerpo descansen como el debido, para evitar esto, presentamos cuatro consejos infalibles para descansar durante el verano:

1. No tengas un día programado: es sencillo tener todo programado paso a paso, pero no lo hagas. Piensa en las cosas que querrías hacer durante el día, pero no concretes nada hasta que sea el momento. Intenta llevar a cabo actividades nuevas y emocionantes, y sobretodo, aquellas en donde tengas que dejar el teléfono lejos de ti.

2. No dejes atrás el ejercicio: cuando practicas ejercicios, el cuerpo entra en sintonía con tu mente y hace que tú te sientas muy bien. No evites llevar a cabo actividades deportivas en donde también te diviertas y claro está, no lleves el móvil al menos que sea para escuchar música.


I keep forgetting that the only moment we have is the one we share, the one that's happening. I make excuses as to why I'm not fully invested in what I want, I think comfort creeps back in. It's not easy to be going strong all the time, it feels like a solo road with forks along the way of immeasurable pressure in their options. But sometimes I get a little taste of that fire again, the one that shines a little light on the sign, the one that's saying 'come on, what are you waiting for?'. So I ask, what are we waiting for? Why do we delay and postpone making the choices that we know we really want? Why do we, or I if this is only the case for me, make excuses for not fulfilling our ideas of what we want? Is it the distractions from things we think we need? Too much time contemplating choices that actually don't serve the 'I am' but instead serve our ego or our emotional responses? Whatever it is, we can only say that from now on I'll do my best to choose fully for me. Not selfishly in the sense you take from others but selfishly in the way you make yourself the better version of yourself. I wrote this to some pretty dramatic music, that music inspired me. Along with seeing @marijasavic_photography story today 🌞 This is Sara, a similar story to Sasha, the women with the baby. She laughs out loud and embraces the moment. Sara reminded me to be present, to not have a next. The colours of the sky blew her mind. I saw her swimming. We made friends at first and as I was hesitant to ask if I could take some photos, what I wrote was read back to me in my mind. Ask, and you shall receive. I hope you don't mind me writing so much. Thank you ❤️

Una publicación compartida de Dean Raphael (@deanraphael) el


3. Vive el momento: no es solo disfrutar, sino que hay que conectarse con lo que te rodea, con las personas que están contigo y con lo que estás haciendo. Así, serás capaz de vivir nuevos y emocionantes momentos con las cosas más simples y perfectas.

4. Mindfulness: puede que esta clave sea en la única en donde aconsejamos usar el móvil. Si vas a Instagram y colocas #mindfulness, verás millones de resultados en donde hay personas practicando yoga, mostrando paisajes tranquilizadores o incluso citas que te motivan a algo. El mindfulness es una disciplina que se basa en la meditación para lograr que el cuerpo y el alma se sintonicen, aliviando los síntomas del estrés y ayudando a superar problemas personales como alguna enfermedad, un divorcio, problemas familiares o de trabajo. Es tan famosa la nueva disciplina, que incluso, han creado app que motivan.


Star Children Once upon a time, what if we were all stars, just waiting for our marks? What if we were sitting one day, high up in the sky, deciding we could watch no more, nor idly stand by? What if we're all made of the same star dust, just particles accumulating inside human forms that may one day combust, but can never really die, because we only shine brighter, lit by the flames that try to consume the very essence of our Light. Inflated egos will forever try to hide, creating conflicts, so the chosen few can rise: It's a cheap ascend to power when the cost is human lives. Now we're waiting for salvation, atheists praying to a God. We're all suddenly believing, fearing we are truly lost. It's embodiment amnesia, disempowerment disease, And so few of us remember: Most are scared to dig that deep. Yet, there's some who do have access to that ancient, Soul-based truth, always holding that clear vision of what we are here to do: We can be our own salvation if we just stand unified, What if those that have oppressed us were, for once, denied? © ✨♥️✨

Una publicación compartida de Malvina. 🌊🔥 (@malvinalanden) el



“Empty your mind, be formless, shapeless – like water. Now you put water into a cup, it becomes the cup, you put water into a bottle, it becomes the bottle, you put it in a teapot, it becomes the teapot. Now water can flow or it can crash. Be water, my friend.” ― Bruce Lee Follow 👉 @mindfuldiver 👈 for more great yoga/mind stuff . . . . . Don't forget your daily meditation and yoga exercise 😃 . 12 minutes of Mindful meditation Daily will make a big difference in your life. <3 . . Please like❤️ this post 😃 . Sometimes our imagination need a boost - Mindful Meditation will do just that🌠 . Credits; @unknown (DM for credits) . . . . #energy #stress #motivation #peace #organic #healing #meditation #yoga #love #mindfulness #meditations #meditationtime #mindfulnessmatters #mindfulnessmeditation #peace #meditate #inspiration #energy #health #presence #fitness #happiness #mindful #motivation #wellness #spirituality #organic #organicfood #yogaeverywhere #yogainspiration #exercise #yogapants

Una publicación compartida de Marco - Physiotherapist 🇩🇰 (@mindfuldiver) el


